DMI Walks; Northwest Quadrant
Downtown Mansfield Inc. and Just Walk Richland collaborate with the Historical Society in presenting the fourth and last of the DMI Walks scheduled this season. The group will meet at the Central Park Gazebo at 10am on Saturday, October 13th. Like the first three walks in May, June, and September walkers first visit the goddesses of the seasons at the Vasbinder Fountain before stepping off. This walk takes in some highlights of the NW sector of the downtown with Alan Wigton pointing out some features and history including the latest preservation efforts under way, and the house at 5th and Walnut. The walk will be two miles or less on sidewalks and streets at a conversational pace, returning to Central Park before noon. Anyone can participate. To let us know you’re coming and get information on all of the Just Walk Richland walks visit and join their Meetup page at